In Ireland, breeding waders are one of the most threatened bird groups due to sustained and significant declines in both breeding population and distribution, largely due to changes in land use and specifically agricultural practices. Breeding waders are also in significant decline in Europe, with many species listed as being of concern on the European (EU 27) Red List of Birds and targeted under species action plans.
At 48 monitored Machair and other coastal grassland sites in Ireland, the total population of breeding waders declined by 48% between 1996 and 2019 (read more here). Nevertheless, Machair systems still support significant proportions of the remaining national breeding wader populations.
Conservation priorities
The LIFE on Machair project aims to at least halt, but ideally reverse, the significant population declines of breeding waders in Irish Machair systems. Within the LIFE on Machair project sites, the total breeding wader population declined from a peak of 529 pairs in 2009 to 259 pairs in 2019, a decline of 50% in the total population. Dunlin populations suffered the greatest decline within project sites, from 46 pairs in 2009 to just eight pairs in 2019 (an 83% decline).
LIFE on Machair project actions will aim to benefit the full suite of waders (eight species) which are known to breed within the project sites, listed in the table below. In the table we also highlight the conservation status of each bird in Ireland. Click on the hyperlinks to read more about each species on the BirdWatch Ireland website. The conservation status of species in Ireland is signalled using a traffic light system, and for the LIFE on Machair targeted species, only one species is in the Green category (good conservation status). The full rationale for the designations are outlined in the Birds of Conservation Concern in Ireland publication.
A list of the breeding wader species targeted by the LIFE on Machair project.
English name | Irish name | Latin name | LIFE on Machair project site* | Conservation Status |
Common Sandpiper | Gobadán coiteann | Actitis hypoleucos | Lough Roonagh & Inishkea Islands | Amber |
Dunlin | Breacóg | Calidris alpina schinzii | Lough Roonagh & Inishkea Islands | Red |
Lapwing | Pilibín | Vanellus vanellus | Attempted breeding at all project sites | Red |
Oystercatcher | Roilleach | Haematopus ostralegus | Inishkea Islands | Amber |
Ringed Plover | Feadóg chladaigh | Charadrius hiaticula | Connemara & Mayo sites | Amber |
Red-necked Phalarope | Falaróp gobchaol | Phalaropus lobatus | Roonagh, Inishkeas, Mullet & Donegal sites | Red |
Redshank | Cosdeargán | Tringa totanus | Connemara & Donegal sites | Red |
Snipe | Naoscach | Gallinago gallinago | Probably present in all sites but difficult to survey | Amber |
*Breeding pairs present and recorded in the LIFE on Machair 2022 baseline survey.
LIFE on Machair actions to improve wader breeding success
The key LIFE on Machair activities for breeding waders will be working with farmers and landowners to identify how to conserve and maintain existing populations, and by trialling habitat and predation management actions (nest protection wardens and predator control fencing for ground predators).